Reclaim the Power Climate Camp
We think of ourselves as committed environmentalists, and are frankly terrified by the general lack of progress towards fighting climate change. As such, we are delighted, whenever we are able, to support green groups, events and gatherings, such as Reclaim, next to Didcot Power station (In May 2015). We provided the main structures for this impressive camp, where several hundred people all came together to create a working village, with renewable power systems, communal kitchens, tool library, kids space, internet connected media tent, and much more, for a climate focussed gathering.
We provided the main meeting space tent, two 30x30ft frame tents joined together, and a workshop tent, along with lots of plastic flooring to help create a wheelchair accessible pathway across the field. We used our older green and white covers for the tents, which create a festival vibe, and provide great value as they are a bit cheaper than our smart white ones. Some great connections were made, and we hope to work with more events like this into the future.